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Where is our joy?

I live for the moments when my son is bouncing in joy.  The by passers and the stander by also enjoy the sight of excitement and joy in him.   Getting on a pool for the first time in summer season…

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Keep things within four walls

In Tamil, there is a saying that we are supposed to keep family matters private. They say anything that happens within a family should remain within the four walls. I often wonder why this was preached very fervently. As children…

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Manifesting your desires

Recently I saw a video by Sadhguru about manifesting desires. We can only manifest what we know, He said. And that was my life for a very long time. I desired comfort and success and got all of it and…

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Forgiveness to let go of our emotional clutter

We all take a lot of pain to make sure our physical environment is clean, organized. But we carry around a lot of emotional clutter. Anger, resentment around something that happened ages ago are still hidden inside our bodies. These…

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We are the Creator of our own reality

It took me 37 years to really understand this deeply.  I somehow knew that there was a way we could achieve anything in life and all my life I was searching for it. My first encounter was with the book…

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Lessons for kids from the movie Luca

Lately I noticed my son exhibiting signs of anxiety - imagining the worst possible outcome and crying about it.  I tried to solve this problem as any mom would solve it. Of course, first I googled about it. I did…

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