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Why do we have challenges?

Often people who are atheists comment that if there is God, why are there so many challenges or bad events in one's life. I asked the teacher who offered Bhagavad Geetha lessons in uptown Manhattan. It was a half lit…

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Resistance and Happiness

In college I often had a thought that we as human beings have resistance in us, like electric wires do. The more the resistance, less electricity can flow through it.  Similarly, when we have more resistance within us, we let…

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Can you be joyful all the time?

Most of the emotions that we feel in our life are just interpretations of situations. When we look at the good in a situation, we can feel joyful. But it is almost impossible and inhuman to be in a joyful…

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Joy is as you thinketh

One of my favorite books that I read from time to time is "As a Man thinketh" by James Allen. Reading it makes us understand how much of our life is in our control. If our life is in our…

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Happiness interrupted

I wanted to blog about happiness for 30 days. However my travels to India and busy work got me distracted. Now I am back in the game and restarting my happiness blogging for another 30 days. Recently I saw the…

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Do you get happier as you get older?

When I was younger i would constantly ask people around me. Are you happier as you grow older?  A lot of people thought back about their younger days with fondness. The carefree time of school and college where you could…

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Can you see happiness outside?

From outside, a person might look happy, but only they know how they feel inside.  At the same time it might look we have a sad life, when inside we are feeling a lot more joyful than we used to…

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Like the Flowing River

"Like The Flowing River" is a book written by Paulo Coelho.  And I remember in my late teens and early twenties I was in the zone. I was like the flowing river. I went with the tide. And life was…

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Day 2 of Joy Blogging

Recently we saw the movie "Space Jam" (First movie in the theatre since the pandemic) . After the movie I asked Sid, what he learned from the movie. He told me about the characters and what they did. But not…

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