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Like the Flowing River

“Like The Flowing River” is a book written by Paulo Coelho.  And I remember in my late teens and early twenties I was in the zone. I was like the flowing river. I went with the tide. And life was so joyful.

However as I learned and grew and became part of the world, I started to think that I was not supposed to take it easy. I was supposed to hustle, work hard and be the best. And with these thoughts I resisted and resisted what was supposed to come into  my life.

I got caught up in how life was supposed to be, marriage was supposed to be and parenthood was supposed to be. When I was just supposed to let it be, let it all flow. Just the way it was going.

When I am flowing, I am aligned with my soul. When I am trying to control everything I am in my ego.

And now I try to flow and let go again.

and pursue JOY

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