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Happiness interrupted

I wanted to blog about happiness for 30 days. However my travels to India and busy work got me distracted. Now I am back in the game and restarting my happiness blogging for another 30 days.

Recently I saw the Navarasa anthology and I really enjoyed Vasanth’s short “Payasam”. A well written story and a well directed movie makes me happy. There is something amazing about a good story, the way it is narrated and how real the characters are.

As I binge watch series in Netflix (I exclusively watch only women centric ones), I live in a different world, I gain some perspective about life. Some days when I dont watch anything I feel that I am wasting time.

Instead of talking about petty everyday stuff and making small talk, I feel deep joy in contemplating deep issues. And watching these movies and reading the stories gives me some answers that I seek.

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